
kubespray cluster

On 2 nodes in the Hetzner cloud, I want to create a cluster trying out kubespray. kubespray is ansible based…Under the hood: kubeadm kubespray does not create VMs, so I try it out on 2 cloud servers (using hetzner provider). See a discussion of the tools kubespray, kubeadm, kops here Modifying the example from https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kubespray/blob/master/docs/setting-up-your-first-cluster.md […]


k8s hetzner cloud

A complete kubernetes cluster on hetzner cloud. Using Ubuntu, containerd, kubeadm, a floating IP and a load balancer. 3 nodes. Monthly costs: around 50 EUR. The goal: adapt setup script and use ONE one call to get a functioning cluster. Lets look at all the necessary steps before introducing the script. See https://community.hetzner.com/tutorials/install-kubernetes-cluster First, install […]


Seabird k8s management

I like to check out something different from k9s…my so far favorite k8s UI. Seabird is a relatively new client – a UI to manage kubernetes. Can I compile and run on my Mac Os ? As we will see, since this is alpha software, the problem is more about C and go and cgo […]


Paths to k8s

Interested in kubernetes, but missing a playground ? Here is an overview of (tested) ways to get there First, we may rent servers in the cloud and go for one of many ubuntu ways to install a kubernetes cluster. But I prefer something on my Mac: But, this fails on my Mac… disk full (all […]


git hub cli MacOs

Why git hub cli ? Uhm. Because I like a command line and can do automation with it. We need a token… Create token when signed in into github. Go to https://github.com/settings/tokens Now working: The token has been exported in GH_TOKEN, in my ~/.bash_profile startup file – respected as ‚login‘. Instead of UI clicking, you […]


ansible galaxy Mac Pro

What is it ? Ansible Galaxy is a platform and online community hub for finding, sharing, and managing Ansible roles. chatGPT Now working:


Github actions & runners

In case you didn’t know, github has a service that allows CI/CD Pipelines with actions and runners. Here are the key concepts:

AI Allgemein

going chatGPT API

The hype about KI software is hitting amelio.de. Especially after hearing reports that using chatGPT via API may allow more than using it via openai.com Website, I wanted to check it out programmatically. Meaning, I have to get an API key first. You need You set up your personal payment plan at https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/overview. Billing is […]


go tcp, go goroutine

My cloud server (hetzner cloud) shall get a tcp message and respond. Here is the example in go. On the cloud server, run this go program: We can see, the server responds when sending something with nc or netcat, from the localhost: Besides allowing the port, we need to allow addresses other than localhost:


go get k8s nodes

Simple example to ask for the nodes of a k8s cluster – using the go language. You will find the downloaded modules under ~/go/pkg/mod/k8s.io, for example. Now go run again, it compiles and runs, but… Compare to this example: What’s the TODO ? It is a function name TODO ! In the main function, you […]


my personal argoCD

Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes, see https://argoproj.github.io/cd/ You need the cli. On my mac: brew install argocd. You need a k8s cluster and install argoCD. I will use my cluster on 2 cloud nodes, which I had set up with kubespray. Now install argoCD Now, we need to continue […]